Thursday, 6 January 2011
Introduction To The Creation Of The Film Poster
The second task was to create a poster for our film which had to be done individually. The material which will fund the poster will be from the filming days when we filmed our trailer. The procedure which I will follow is firstly to analyse various different horror posters in order to gather an understanding of what I need to include in my poster (conventions) and the various elements which is common amongst the horror genre. Secondly, I will start to flat plan which is roughly drawing out what the poster will look like in order to give me a visual idea of what the poster will look like. Once the flat plan has been designed, I will then look through the images I have and see if they are what I am looking for and up to a high standard, if not, I will plan a photography session. Lastly, I will put the poster together and repeat the above steps for the magazine front cover.