Friday, 25 February 2011

Colour Scheme

From my analysis, I came to conclude that many of the magazines followed different colour schemes. One of which is Total Film which adopted a simple colour scheme consisting of two colours across the whole magazine front cover, however, other magazines such as Empire has adopted a wider variety of colours where it had stretched to 5 in one particular poster. In my opinion, I feel that two contrasting colours will work well up to a certain extent depending on the content of the magazine, in my case, I believe that two colours will work well due to the fact that it will make the magazine look all one and apart of each other. In my opinion, I feel that the Empire range of magazines won’t work well for my target range due to the mixed colours they have placed on their magazine which aims at a younger market which I am not aiming for. The target audience for my magazine is a more mature market who will be looking for those magazines which are more formal and organized rather then messy and colourful. Below are the colours which I will use for my magazine:

The masthead will be white as white will stand out when presented upon a black background. The connotations of white are goodness and purity which are positive connotations in contrast to the colour black. Black normally has negative connotations and the masthead being in a negative colour can symbolise bad things about my magazine.

The text on the magazine front cover such as the coverlines and main cover line will be in red due to this issue of Entire Motion Picture featuring the horror movie “The Vanishing”. The red will help link back to the horror genre due to the connotations of red which are blood, danger as well as power. This will stand out more then the masthead which is my intention as the coverlines are used to persuade the audience to purchase my magazine rather then the masthead.

I have not decided on a image to go on my front cover as yet, however, I do want to have a black background as black has negative connotations which can help to relate to the horror genre in which this issue will be featuring. Moreover, the black background will help to make the masthead stand out as well as the other elements like the cover lines and the buttons as red and black are in high contrast to each other as well as white and black.

The colours all together will look like this: